Archive for May, 2015

Discover the Hidden Objectives in Your Company

May 31, 2015

In many large companies, there are overt (obvious) and covert (hidden) objectives. The latter are usually associated with power plays and personal career plans.

Examples of covert rules include
– Pleasing the boss is more important than pleasing the customer
– Always keep your turf clean
– Change jobs frequently before your mistakes can be discovered.

Make sure you are aware of these hidden rules before you assume responsibility for any project.

Candor is something that highly desirable but often lacking.

Remember: You and your project or your brand are only a piece in the overall picture and the power structure of the company you are currently working in.

Discover the real agenda behind any project you are leading. Get everything out on the table. Find a good opportunity to ask your boss explicitly about it. It is important to know the stakeholder’s personal objectives. These stakeholders may include senior management, middle management or other teams or business units that you depend on for the success of your project.

Armed with that knowledge, you can adjust your plans and your projects accordingly.

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Multi Channel Marketing

May 13, 2015

If you increase the number of avenues to which your customers have access to you, you will multiply the business opportunities. You achieve this by increasing the number of channels through which prospects can contact you and by connecting all of these channels.
If done correctly, multi channel marketing helps you to

– Gain more impact
– Achieve results more effectively
– Enhance customer loyalty
– Increase product revenue.

Multi Channel Marketing (MCM) is sometimes also called cross channel strategy or cross channel management or multichannel management.

It means interacting with prospects and customers via various ways such as print ads, websites, emails, events and face-to-face conversations.

The objective is to make it easy for a customer to interact with you. The customer can then buy or order or get information in whatever way he thinks is most convenient.

Thus, multichannel marketing is accommodating the customer’s choice.

To be effective, multichannel marketing needs to deliver consistent messages and offerings through all channels.

Your goal is to provide a great customer experience – independent of the channel the customer is using.

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